The J Retro preamp arrived yesterday and I was able to install it in about 30 minutes. I did solder up the battery box on my bass (holds 2, so I wired it for 18v) for use with the preamp.
My gosh, this tone is what I’ve been searching for with this Mike Lull Jazz bass! Instantly, I was thrilled with it! I played it all afternoon, then I headed to the Wednesday night church band rehearsal, where the production guys immediately noticed a difference in the tone of my bass. Even the drummer commented on how “full, rich, articulate” the bass sounded now (big words from a drummer! Kidding, of course, the drummer is a dear friend of mine). My hopes for the combination of the J Retro and the Nordstrand Jazz Vintage 70s wind pups has been wildly exceeded and I seriously couldn’t be happier. I hope to find time to record the bass today at my studio job.
So I wanted to thank you guys for putting in the effort in such treacherous times (on many levels) to get the preamp made and sent out to me. I sincerely appreciate it!